Voice Confident
Speak with influence, lead with impact
Your voice is the most powerful (not-so-) secret weapon you have in your personal brand armoury.
It sets you apart from others and makes you - you, not your content on any given day - memorable.
If you find your sound signature - the voice that really represents and enables you to speak with freedom and confidence - you'll find it opens doors for you.

Our voice is our calling card, our first impression, our sound signature.
It's how we participate in the conversation or negotiation, how we influence and persuade, how we get our message across clearly and memorably.
Time given to developing our voices, to understanding how we care for them and use them to maximum effect, is time well spent.
I'm a singer, a public speaker and CEO of a membership organisation in Nottinghamshire. Over the last several years I have met a lot of people in the business arena who lack confidence in using their voice as a means of influence, feel self-conscious about their tone or accent, lose their voice easily when presenting or wonder why they don't have more impact in meetings.
Through Voice Confident voice coaching and CPD sessions, I use my technical knowledge of the voice as a professional singer and my experience of public speaking to empower individuals in the corporate community with vocal knowledge and skills.
I believe anyone can become Voice Confident!